In the ONE&ALL Daily Podcast, we will guide you through a meditative devotional thought for your day. At ONE&ALL Church we believe that being in scripture and praying to God daily is the key to living a fulfilling Christian life.

Start your Monday - Friday with a quick 2 to 3 minute devotional teaching from ONE&ALL so you can learn, grow and take your next step in following Jesus.

Walk with Integrity | Dru Rodriguez

Listen in as Pastor Dru makes Psalm 101 easy to understand, showing us how to live honestly and keep growing. Find out how following God’s lead helps us be more real and committed in our daily lives.

Listen to "Walk with Integrity | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.

Skeptic | Jeff Vines

Join Pastor Jeff as he unpacks the compelling insights of British author Douglas Murray on faith and history. Dive into a thought-provoking conversation about the search for truth and how the Scriptures resonate with us all, believer or not.

Listen to "Skeptic | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

Partnership with God | Paul Conway

Listen in as Pastor Paul shares a powerful message about God's open invitation to work alongside us, no matter our flaws. Learn how our weaknesses are simply a gateway to a deeper, more authentic bond with the Creator who cherishes us just as we are.

Listen to "Partnership with God | Paul Conway" on Spreaker.

Built on a Rock | Chris Rix

Tune in with Pastor Chris as he explores the life-changing effects of building on strong foundations. Learn how a solid base can help us stay steady no matter what comes our way.

Listen to "Built on a Rock | Chris Rix" on Spreaker.

Created to Worship | Jesus Arriaga

Join Pastor Jesus in this heartwarming episode as he reveals how every part of creation praises God in its own special way, and learn how we can too in our everyday life. Dive into the beauty of worship that surrounds us and find out how to tune into God's majestic tune all around us.

Listen to "Created to Worship | Jesus Arriaga" on Spreaker.

Steadfast Love | Dru Rodriguez

Join Pastor Dru for a heartwarming episode as he explores the wonders of Montana's natural beauty and connects them with divine inspiration. Tune in to hear his reflections on Psalm 100 and how it can enrich our lives with a spirit of joy and thankfulness.

Listen to "Steadfast Love | Dru Rodriguez" on Spreaker.

Listen to Me | Matt Chavez

Pastor Matt explores the life-changing influence of active listening in our relationships and personal growth. Discover the richness of deeper connections and the wisdom we gain when we truly listen to others and the world around us.

Listen to "Listen to Me | Matt Chavez" on Spreaker.

Lord & Savior | Yesenia Vazquez

Pastor Yesenia takes us on an intimate exploration of faith's transformative power as we transition from welcoming Jesus as our Savior to fully accepting Him as Lord of our lives. Listen as she shares heartfelt testimonies and scriptural wisdom, guiding us to fully surrender to Christ's leadership in every area of our existence.

Listen to "Lord & Savior | Yesenia Vazquez" on Spreaker.

The Passion for Discipline | Jeff Vines

In today's episode, Pastor Jeff explores how to keep our spiritual lives strong in a world filled with technology. He talks about the importance of learning to hear God amidst the noise of artificial intelligence.

Listen to "The Passion for Discipline | Jeff Vines" on Spreaker.

God’s Consistency | Michael Kisaka

Listen in as Pastor Michael shares his insights on how to recognize when God speaks to us, using Joseph's life as an example. Don't miss this thought-provoking session on the ways we can perceive God's direction every day.

Listen to "God’s Consistency | Michael Kisaka" on Spreaker.